Shaedrake Brown - 1st Generation

ancestor Born: 1754 In: Bedford County, Virginia, USA
Died: 15 December 1804 In: Hancock County, Georgia USA

Profession: Farmer

Married Nancy Gilbert in 1777 at Campbell County, Virginia

As of May, 2000 Joseph Brown has not found proof that Shaedrake Brown and Nancy Gilbert  were the parents of Benjamin Gilbert Brown. There is a deed recorded in Greene County, Georgia in 1818 listing Benjamin G. Brown purchasing property along with an Edward Brown and William Brown. There was an Edward Brown involved in the will of Shaedrake Brown. It is unknown to me at this time just who they were. I have listed them tentatively as brothers to Benjamin rather than any other relationship.  I have found a record of a "Shaedrake" and/or "Sheldrake" Brown both in Greene Co., Georgia and Hancock Co., Georgia (which was made up from a part of Greene County) . He was married to a "Nancy Gilbert". Nancy Gilbert's father was "Benjamin Gilbert" which could account for Benjamin Gilbert Brown's name . Also it could account for S. Morgan Brown's first name of "Shadrick".  In those days, spelling often varied. I have a copy of the appraisal and of the sale of his property at the time of his death. Nancy Brown attended that sale A person by the name of John Shockley knew Benjamin, Edward, William and Shaedrake. He was a co-signer of Benjamin Brown's Marriage Bond and signed as witness on many documents for them. In the Georgia land lottery of 1806 there is a 'orphan' of Shaedrake Brown listed. Benjamin Gilbert Brown was a minor child at that time. All of this, at this time, is speculation. Copies of the original record of the deed and other records held by Joseph Brown.

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